Za vse tiste ki ste jezni!!!
Doma imam en pošteno drag šotor, ki bi moral funkcionirati, pa ima zanič palice. Ker me slovenski dobavitelj dotične firme ignorira, leto dni nazaj pa sem rabil več kot 4 mesece, da so mi jih zamenjali odpiram novo domačo nalogo za naš ferajn.
Moje znanje angleščine je pomankljivo, zato predlagam da se zberete umetniki in skupaj napišite en dopis, ki ga bom poslal na firmo in naj bo oster kolikor se le da, ker jih kurc gleda. In še to, ne kupujte THF robe, jo je čas povozil!!
Matko kupi si nov šotor in ne teži!
My name is Matevzs Kramer and I am fucking good climber! Apparently better than the rest of your sucked-up wannabe bad-ass nice faces climbers who cannot climb anything harder than grade III or WI 1. Even my daughter can climb better than they do or will be anytime in the present!
I was climbing long before you were even born. I have climbed most of the Slovenia hardest alpine routes when youre momma was still breast-feeding you.
So, if you don't want to mess up with my brand new ice tools or my M10 crampoons you'd better send me not one but two of your motherf... tents!
And I am sincerely sorry if my language is bad... it is still better than your ass!
Kind regards!
Matko dej se zmenmo enkrat pa gremo une leskove veje nabrat nekam v hosto, da bo šotor stal.
LP, Blaž